It's about passing the torch, the current becoming an legend" />
It's about passing the torch, the current becoming an legend"/>

Boys of Dino Steel Rangers `Kokoro [心] (Heart)" (retake version)

2017-08-07 1

This is the retake version

It's about passing the torch, the current becoming an legendary.

Song: `Kokoro [心] (Heart)"
Original Artist: SS501

Lip Sync performers:
- Dino Super Charge Rangers
Brennan Mejia as Tyler Navarro
James Davies as Chase Randall
Yoshi Sudarso as Koda
Michael Taber as Riley Griffin
Davi Santos as Ivan
Reuben Turner as James Navarro
Jarred Blakiston as Prince Phillip III

- Ninja Steel Rangers
William Stewfelt as Brody Romero
Peter Sudarso as Preston Tien
Nico Greetham as Calvin Maxwell
Jordi Webber as Levi Weston / Aiden Romero

Power Rangers Dino (Super) Charge both full seasons is now available on Netflix
Power Rangers Ninja Steel new episodes this Saturday afternoon only on Nickelodeon [USA]
(Fact: Please watch the newest episodes and support the Ninja Steel Rangers, don't disappoint them.)